Celebrating 30 Years!
In 2024, the Volunteer Ombudsman Program celebrated its 30th anniversary. Over the past three decades, the commitment and compassion of our volunteers has enriched the lives of countless residents. The training that they have completed and continue to complete, the miles they've traveled, and the hours they've spent with residents all underline the depth of their commitment to both the residents and their community. This is about building a community that cares, that listens and that acts. Through their weekly visits, they ensure the wellbeing of residents but also help to foster an environment where dignity, respect and care are paramount.
On behalf of all the lives they've touched, we thank our volunteers. Their generosity and empathy are the very embodiment of what it means to serve. They've not only made a difference; they've set a standard for what it means to care.
Thank you, volunteers, for everything you do! We hope to celebrate many more years with you!
History of the Volunteer Ombudsman Program
The Volunteer Ombudsman Program was established in 1994, to supplement and extend the advocacy services of the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program, focusing solely on residents living in skilled nursing facilities. The volunteer program began as a pilot project and today is a respected program in select designated counties.
The Volunteer Ombudsman Program provides weekly advocacy services from hundreds of trained Volunteer Ombudsmen for hundreds of residents living in long term care facilities. The program continues to offer life-changing opportunities for individuals to be an advocate, to be a voice, to make a difference in the lives of the people living in local nursing homes and to make a difference their own lives as well.
Between May, 2007 and July, 2008, the Board implemented a pilot project for the opportunity to have a Volunteer Ombudsman advocate for residents in community based residential facilities(CBRF). this portion of the program was successful: however, it ended due to lack of funding. the volunteers in the pilot project had the opportunity to be trained for the skilled nursing facility component, and will continue as advocates in assigned nursing homes.
In 2004, to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the Volunteer Ombudsman Program and to make tribute to the founder of the Volunteer Ombudsman Program, and former Board Member, Louise Abrahams Yaffe, the Annual Louise Abrahams Yaffe V
olunteer Ombudsman Program Award was created. This prestigious award is presented each year to an outstanding Volunteer Ombudsman through a formal nomination and Board selection process. Anyone can nominate a current Volunteer Ombudsman.
In 2008 the largest expansion of the Volunteer Ombudsman Program was conducted. The first Volunteer Services Supervisor was hired, as well as, three Volunteer Coordinators. This process brought about adding 20 counties and more Volunteer Ombudsmen to the program's coverage area.
On April 16, 2013, to celebrate the Volunteer Ombudsman Program's upcoming 20th anniversary, the first state-wide Volunteer Ombudsman Program in-service and recognition event was held in Madison. This event was held to show the Volunteer Ombudsmen our appreciation and to acknowledge the impact their caring, concern and commitment has on the lives of the residents we serve.
The Volunteer Ombudsmen, the Volunteer Coordinators and the Regional Ombudsmen, and BOALTC management staff participated in a day of learning, networking, and festivities in Madison to celebrate this milestone for the Volunteer Ombudsman Program.
During the celebration a special tribute was given to the founder of the Volunteer Ombudsman Program, and former board member, the late Louise Abrahams Yaffe, with the presentation of the Louise Abrahams Yaffe Volunteer Ombudsman Program Award to Louise's three children; Alice Gruenberg, Jim Abrahams, and Jane Butenhoff.
On May 15, 2019 the 25 year anniversary celebration of the Volunteer Ombudsman Program was held in Madison. Two years of prepa
ration, 155 people invited, a day to celebrate together- Priceless!

group of 95 Board on Aging and Long Term Care Volunteer Ombudsmen, Board Members and Staff posed for the celebration photograph and autographed the keepsake board to commemorate the 25 year anniversary of the Volunteer Ombudsman Program.