
Guiding You to Aging Resources

No matter where you live in the Badger state, travel through life with confidence. The Board on Aging and Long Term Care exists to help you understand your options regarding aging, long term care, Medicare and prescription drug coverage. Start here to get your questions answered.​


Medigap Helpline

Medigap Helpline

​The Medigap Helpline Services are free, confidential counseling services for Medicare beneficiaries. 

​call 1-800-242-1060
Prescription Part D call 1-855-677-2783


Ombudsman Services

Ombudsman Service

In Wisconsin, the Ombudsman Program has statutory authority to provide advocacy services on behalf of long term care consumers aged 60 and over. ​

call 1-800-815-0015


Volunteer Ombudsman

Volunteer Ombudsman

The Volunteer Ombudsman Program strengthens the advocacy services provided by the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program to people living in nursing homes.

call 1-800-815-0015​



In 1981, the State of Wisconsin created the Board on Aging and Long Term Care as an independent board appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the state Senate. The Board on Aging and Long Term Care, led by Executive Director/State Ombudsman, Jessica Trudell, consists of seven appointed Board Members and Agency staff who operate the Long Term Care Ombudsman, Volunteer Ombudsman, and Medigap Helpline Services. Meet our Board Members here​.​
The mission of the Board on Aging and Long Term Care is to advocate for the interests of the state's long term care consumers, to inform those consumers of their rights, and to educate the public at large about health care systems and long term care.


The Board is the premiere resource for information and advocacy for our client population and is an integral part of the ever-changing system for long term care delivery in Wisconsin. The Board will increase its visibility by expanding its role and recognition as a leader and model of advocacy on the state and national stage.


The Board subscribes to and defends the values of: respect and dignity for the individual; protection of the right of the individual to be free from threats to health, safety and quality of life; fairness and transparency; and open, clear and consistent communication. Agency staff and volunteers provide valuable services consistent with the spirit and intent of these values.

Who We Serve

The Board on Aging and Long Term Care and its programs are charged by Wisconsin Law to work to protect the interests of citizens of this state who are aged 60 or over and who reside in long ​term care facilities or who are consumers of managed care (Family Care, PACE, Partnership) or IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self-Direct) Programs through our Long Term Care Ombudsman Program. Our Volunteer Ombudsman Program serves individuals age 60 or over who are residents of nursing homes in Wisconsin. Our Medigap Helpline and Prescription Drug Helpline provides free confidential counseling services for all Medicare beneficiaries, including disabled individuals and those age 65 and over.

​        State of Wisconsin - Board on Aging & Long Term Care
1402 Pankratz Street, Suite 111
Madison, Wisconsin 53704

Ombudsman Program/Volunteer Program: 1-800-815-0015

Medigap Helpline: 1-800-242-1060

Medigap Part D & Prescription Drug Helpline: 1-855-677-2783

Fax: 1-608-246-7001

The Board on Aging and Long Term Care, as an agency of Wisconsin State Government, makes no endorsement or recommendation as to the value, quality or appropriateness of any service provider, product or program related to the delivery of long term care or Medicare-related insurance.​